Have you ever noticed that there are a lot of people who live in the projects who have the nicest material items. The newest pair of Js, $200+ North Faces, Antik jeans, nice rims, wii's and ps3's and what not. I always thought that these people were rich because of their material items but as I grew up I began to wonder, if they're rich, why are they living in the projects? I was the girl who lived in an 8 bedroom house that my mama owns a few blocks away from the projects and I could never afford Js or expensive jeans....I rocked The Children's Place until I was 14.
Then one day it hit me...the reason why I never had any of those things was because my mama was busy payin off the mortgage, utilities and her car note. There wasn't much money left over for over priced superficial items. Project folk don't have to worry about those expenses so they spend on materialistic items.
Don't get me wrong, not all ppl living in the projects have this "project mentality" but a vast majority does.

I feel like these people who spend all their money on useless stuff should save their money and maybe, just maybe buy a house. If that idea is too far fetched, then at least get an apartment out of the projects. I know people who have lived in the projects all their life and now they have grandkids who live in the same project apartment as them. Instead of allowing their family to have a better quality life than they did, they buy their children game consoles and their granddaughters ipods and uggs. When they die what will their offspring be left with? An xbox 360 that is outdated and scuffed up leaning uggs that don't fit.

We will never receive our 40 acres and a mule, if we want land and power in this society we have to work for it and not spend money on foolishness.