The book was better. point ____. I'm not gonna give a plot synopsis because I want you to read the book Push by Sapphire.
To all the directors out there: Having a slew of famous actors/musicians in your movie does not make it a good movie. Monique played Precious' mother and although she was playing a serious role, no one in the theater could take her seriously just because she's Monique.
Mariah Carey: Can someone PLEASE tell me why she was chosen for the role as a welfare agent? I know there are light skinned/White looking good actresses out there.
At times it seems like it's a documentary. The camera angles and constant zooming in and out give it a weird unprofessional documentary feel.
Maybe I'm bias because I've read the book 3x (the 1st time at age 13) but buns, I still think the movie doesn't do Push justice. Precious doesn't go into details like Push does (probably due to time constraints) and it doesn't depict the severe amount of abuse that Precious and here peers endured.
It's not 100% terrible but I believe the story could've been better executed
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